Utilized mainly as a pain management drug, cannabis is gaining popularity both medically and recreationally within the United States. What is its potential role in the public realm?
The current conditions of Kennedy Plaza, the heart of downtown Providence, Rhode Island, is an outcome of the opioid epidemic. Many transients and constituents of the city battling with substance abuse reside within this bustling city node. The introduction of MEND, a wellness center treating drug addiction and pain management through community engagement and individualized therapeutic workshops, can transform the standard approach to pain management treatments by utilizing cannabis as an alternative to opioid use. It provides addicts with positive, creative outlets and a sense of comradery through group workshops.
The architecture creates a welcoming openness and sense of connection to the existing plaza while simultaneously bringing privacy and comfort through materiality. MEND provides a sense of balance to those who seek it.
opiate epidemic + audience research


design strategy + drawings