This is the result of a self-created, five-week course investigating the relationships humans have with architectural ruins. The catalog generated clearly tells how a majority of architectural ruins are of a religious typology and how a majority of industrial ruins’ outcomes are public parks. Through this process of cataloging and studying existing ruins along with an observational decay study, it was found that humans project their ideologies onto unfinished architectural objects. A human’s Gestalt-inflected desires to cognitively map connections of incomplete forms — and viewing the whole before its individual parts — can surpass time moving both forwards and backwards in order for the individual to generate a narrative unknown.
The final outcome was a three-dimensional synthesis of the knowledge acculumated, resulting in a typical cathedral layout which was designed and then broken down into its most minimal, yet telling, components. The viewer is able to gain cues from the lancet windows and vaulted ceilings in order to mentally piece together the architecture.

observational models
*these models were studied daily in various environmental conditions and were integral in learning the making process with plaster in order to inform the final model

final model